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Rafting on the Bystraya River

Possible variations:

One-day rafting - from Esso to Anavgai.
Two-day rafting - from Esso to the Kavavlya River.
Four-day rafting - from Esso to the Old Bystrinski Bridge.
Five-day rafting - from Esso to the junction of the Kamchatka River near the town of Kozyirevsk.

Rafting equipment: Air raft "Raft", PSN-6.

Day one.
The rafting trip begins at the mouth of Uksichan River in Esso, where it flows into the Bystraya. The speed of the river reaches 10km/hr (6.25mi/hr). There are no large rapids before the Bystrinski Hydro Station.
In the course of the day many beautiful view will open up to you, each different and more beautiful than the previous landscape.
Rafting to Anavgai takes only half of the day.
On the section of river from Anavgai to the 48th kilometer (where there is a small village) is the longest white-water section. The riverbed sides steepens, and the quantity of fallen rocks increases. The river valley narrowens; the flow deepens and strengthens. In this area there are many narrow sections due to steep riverbanks. That is why the road goes into the mountains instead of following the river, like it did until this point. One the banks of the river you will see no signs of human life - only bear tracks left in the mud and ravens flying overhead. Not uncommon to see in these canyons are falcons and eagles. When you have passed through this area you will come to the 47th km and stop overnight. You may even walk over to the village and swim in the thermal-spring sauna and swimming pool.

Day two.
From the 47th km begins the most interesting but difficult section of river. There are some rapids, especially when bypassing the hydrostation. The dam signifies the start of the larger and more beautiful rapids. The river's path enters a steep canyon. Here the Kavavlya River joins into the Bystraya River.
Second- and third-class rapids require awareness; they are not especially risky if rafters follow safety rules. There is the option of bypassing large rapids onland. Also, stops may be made for fishing and photography. Photoresque scenery is overwhelmingly abundant.

Soon after the addition of the Kavavlya River the canyon opens up. A steep cliff drops into the river. Opposite its vertical wall, cut out by the river, the birch forest stretches into the distance.

Day three.
In the morning we pass the Old Bystrinski Bridge and now are on the lower section of the river before joining the Kozyirevskaya River. The Bystraya's current is fast, and the river often breaks into several channels making it difficult to maneauver the raft. Sometimes it is easier to bypass areas on foot, carrying the raft. Overnighting in the area of the new bridge.

Day four .
The trip to the Kozyirevskaya River goes through the dense birch forest. Bears and moose often walk along the riverbanks.
Rafting through Kozyirevsk the current is slow. Сплав по Козыревке. Течение спокойное, река плавно вьёт размашистые петли, плотно укладывая их одну рядом с другой.
10 километров хода и… выходим в могучую Камчатку. Река спокойна и величественна. Периодически открывается великолепная панорама Ключевской группы вулканов. По Камчатке можно закончить сплав возле поселка Крапивный или на Козыревской переправе.

Our tours:
  • Rafting on the Bystraya River
  • Lake Ikar
  • Lake Galyamaki
  • In the wilderness with a trapper
  • 2004
    Optimized for 1024х768
    Address: Hotel "ALTAY", Esso, Kamchatka, Mostovaya street 12а
    webmaster: Yuri Ivanov
    translation: Bethany Fehr & Maria Lipatova
    Hosted by uCoz